Cassie Ortiz
Cassie Ortiz is 14 years old and is currently in the 8th grade at Olsen Middle School. She hopes to attend Dreyfoos School of the Arts for the next school year.
Cassie has been a vocal student with Michael Soper for over a year and she is continuing her musical journey at MSM. She has a wide range of 3 octaves that crosses over from alto through soprano and sings various genres of music. She is also currently working on an original song, co-written by Michael Soper.
Cassie is a musical theatre performer at the Fort Lauderdale Children's Theatre (FLCT). She has been apart of FLCT's Glee Show Choir for three years in a row and has loved every second of it. She also does musical productions with FLCT as well.
For the past 2 years, Cassie has auditioned and made it into the first round of South Florida's Starz of the Future. She, also for the past 2 years, was a finalist in Tri-Rail's Kids Got Talent. In 2015, she was 1st runner up in Tri-Rail's Kids Got Talent. She hopes to continue competing in more competitions and taking home 1st place.
When Cassie is older, she wants to be on Broadway. After high school, she plans to move to New York and attend NYU. Since this dream is not always realistic, she also would like to be a heart surgeon. Either way, she knows what she wants and she intends to go after her dreams no matter how hard it may be.